Principal Investigator: 

The group aims to untangle the pathophysiology of nervous system diseases, using a wide range of strategies from biotechnological tools to natural products analogues. We also aim to reveal new targets to treat these disorders, developing new intervention strategies with improved therapeutic potential. Emerging lines of research include: prediction of disease risk, based on mathematical algorithms and artificial intelligence, combining genetic polymorphisms and environmental factors; 3D printing of organs to study antitumoral capabilities of in-house developed plasmids and blood-brain barrier 3D printing to study nervous system physiopathology; application of biomaterials to improve gene transfer and diagnostic. Specific lines of research:
  • Adv. BioMat.
    • Biotechnological techniques to discover therapeutic cell targets.
    • Discovering new treatments for nervous system diseases from natural products.


Ana María Sánchez-Pérez's picture
Ana María Sánchez-Pérez

Senior Researcher

Sandra Sánchez-Sarasúa

Research Scientist

Sariah Giraldo Narcizo's picture
Sariah Giraldo Narcizo

Graduate Student

Maria Meseguer Beltran's picture
Maria Meseguer Beltran

Graduate Student