Project: Lanthanide-doped Metal Halide Perovskites for Advanced Optoelectronic Devices

The main goal of the Grisolia PhD project is to synthesize new families of unexplored lanthanide-doped halide perovskites and study their potential as optoelectronic materials for enhanced devices. The specific objectives of the project are:
• To synthesize original compositions of lanthanide-doped halide perovskite materials through a microwave-assisted methodology, to characterize them and analyze the physico-chemical mechanisms inducing phase stability and morphology control, evaluating the role of lanthanide doping in these mechanisms. The unexplored compositions includes Pb-free systems.
• To modulate the optical features of halide perovskites by coupling with the optical processes inherent to lanthanides (PL, quantum cutting and down- or up-converting), and identifying the best candidates to present both, interesting optoelectronic properties and easy phase stabilization.
• The fabrication of optoelectronic devices, i.e. solar cells and LEDs, with these materials in order to obtain devices with properties beyond the current state-of-the-art in terms of light absorption and PL Quantum Yield, content of Pb, or transport and recombination.

Supervisor: Beatriz Julián López (

The purpose of this call is to grant scholarships for the training of research personnel (from countries not belonging to the European Union) at the Institute of Advanced Materials, Universitat Jaume I, Castelló, Spain (

The goal of these scholarships is to train qualified personnel for R&D tasks, and is aimed at university degree holders from non-European universities, within the corresponding field of research. These scholarships are open to people fulfilling the following requirements within the period of submission of applications:
a) A degree from a non-European university in the field of the sciences corresponding to the area of research to which the applicant is applying.
b) Having obtained a degree after 1st of January 2016.
c) Knowledge of spoken Spanish or English adequate for the development of the tasks involved in the proposed training.
d) Not being in possession of a PhD.
e) To meet the academic requirements needed to the admission in a doctoral program at the selection date (5 years Science degree or Science degree + Master Degree). The admitted candidates have to be registered in a doctoral program of Universitat Jaume I at the time of recruitment.
f) The MD degree in Science required are chemistry, chemical engineering, chemistry of materials.

The principal researcher is Beatriz Julián López (
The period of validity covered by the scholarships is for a maximum of 4 years or until defending the PhD Thesis. The scholarship is also granting with a year postdoctoral orientation period for those pre-doctoral researchers who obtain the doctoral degree, prior to the start of the last year.

The scholarship includes an additional allocation of 1.600 euros in the first year, which is addressed to cover the travel and establishment expenses in Valencian Community.

One PDF file should be submitted which includes:
i) a motivation letter
ii) CV including a description of previous research experience.
iii) names of two potential academic referees

Deadline: 1st of June 2021

Deadline date: 
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

If you are interested in applying for this job offer, click here