In collaboration with Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Cerámica (IUTC), INAM is applying innovative ceramics for the development of electronic and optoelectronic devices. These innovative ceramics present good conductive electric properties. Ceramic pieces of 10 cm x 10 cm have been obtaining with low electric resistivity, and moreover, their compatibility with frits have been evaluated. The frits on the surface can perform as a protective and isolating cover for the conductive ceramic.
Furthermore, the application of these materials employing ink injection technology (inkjet) is studying too. These new applications would add new possibilities for the innovative ceramic materials.

The conductive ceramic are products for applications with high add value that allow the incorporation of advance functions into ceramic design.
The good chemical and mechanical properties that present these ceramics allow their use in highly corrosive environments or with high amount of powder in suspension keeping their advanced properties.
The developments reached permit their use in different kinds of electric systems.
At long-term, we would like that these materials would be integrated for the fabrication of photovoltaic tiles or light emitters.
Main sectors which the offer is directed:
Ceramic industry.
Electrical industry.
Responsible researcher:
Francisco Fabregat-Santiago