Principal Investigator: 

The group is focused on molecular designs of stimuli responsive self-assemblies.

We aim to work with innovative ways to form supramolecular structures which can range from meso- to macro-scopic scale using bottom up self-assembly. These systems are aimed for applications in catalysis, modulable material properties- stiff or soft materials (supramolecular hydrogels), aggregation induced emission, and 3D cell culture. Two main research lines are:

  • 1) FUELED REACTION CYCLES- designing reaction cycles to drive non-equilibrium self-assemblies. (dynamic and responsive systems using chemical fuels).
    • The group is working on the design of new and more effective (e.g. with significantly less waste accumulation and fuel recycling) reaction cycles.
  • 2) 3 DIMENSIONALLY (3D) PERSISTENT SUPERSTRUCUTRES- formation of giant superstructures (responsive and reversible) of appealing macroscopic dimensions and architectures using bottom up self-assembly from small organic building blocks.
    • We are developing a novel polymerisation technique which shall enable insitu high throughput synthesis and consequent assembly of a range of polymers from small rigid blocks. We aim at forming meso to micro to macro (mm) scale 3D networks and topologies like mobius strips, toroid, giant tubes, spheres- all from bottom up self-assembly of small building blocks.

Funding acknowledgement

- Generalitat Valenciana for CIDEGENT PlaGenT grant no (CIDEXG/2022/16) - project PRONESS.

Other publications and more information can be found here:



Senior Researcher

Kousik Gayen's picture
Kousik Gayen

Research Scientist

Sudeep Koppayithodi's picture
Sudeep Koppayithodi

Doctoral Candidate

Prerna Ranasingh's picture
Prerna Ranasingh

Doctoral Candidate

Silvia Garre Martín's picture
Silvia Garre Martín

Graduate Student

Rosario Daniela Moreno Mora's picture
Rosario Daniela Moreno Mora

Graduate Student

Pau Gil Cantavella's picture
Pau Gil Cantavella

Undergraduate Student