Principal Investigator: 

The main aim of the group is to use Biology as inspiration for the design of functional supramolecular materials. The team has a broad expertise in the design of peptide-based self-assembled fibrillar networks and supramolecular gels. Currently, the research program is focused on developing peptide based soft materials for applications in biomimetic supramolecular catalysis, drug delivery and as biomaterials for regenerative medicine. The group has expertise in organic synthesis as well as in preparation and characterization of supramolecular materials
Specific lines of research:

  • Adv. BioMat.
    • Synthesis and characterization of new peptide-based low molecular weight compounds.
    • Developing a fundamental understanding of the self-assembly process into single- and multicomponent supramolecular materials.
    • Developing biocompatible and biodegradable hydrogels for application in drug delivery to the skin. In particular, materials with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic abilities for chronic wound healing.
    • Developing biomimetic materials with rheological properties amenable for 3D-printing. In particular, soft hydrogels to be used as scaffolds for 3D-printing tumor models for anticancer drug discovery.
  • Industrial Innovation and Technology Transfer

The group is involved in a strong collaboration with a SME of the pharmaceutical field through a Retos-Colaboración Grant dealing with the development of peptide soft materials for topical application and an industrial research project on the development of new nanocarriers with the company olypeptide Therapeutic Solutions ( In addition, the PI is co-supervisor of an Industrial Doctorate funded by the MICINN.


Beatriu Escuder's picture
Beatriu Escuder

Senior Researcher

SUBIR PAUL's picture

Research Scientist

Bárbara Giménez Hernández's picture
Bárbara Giménez Hernández

Doctoral Candidate

Lorenzo Esteve Nebot's picture
Lorenzo Esteve Nebot

Doctoral Candidate

Nagihan Ozbek's picture
Nagihan Ozbek

Doctoral Candidate

Misthi Singh's picture
Misthi Singh

Doctoral Candidate

Martina La Manna's picture
Martina La Manna

Doctoral Candidate



ChemBioChem, 2023, e202300438.
Giménez-Hernández, B.; Falomir, E.; Escuder, B.
Effect of Hyaluronic Acid on the Self-Assembly of a Dipeptide-Based Supramolecular Gel. Chemical Science, 2023, 14, 8984-8999.
Adhikari, S.D.; Gualdrón-Reyes, A.F.; Paul, S.; Torres, J.; Escuder, B.; Mora-Seró, I.; Masi, S.
Impact of core–shell perovskite nanocrystals for LED applications: successes, challenges, and prospects.


ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2021, 4, 935-944.
Martí-Centelles, R.; Dolz-Pérez, I.; De la O, J.; Ontoria-Oviedo, I.; Sepúlveda, P.; Nebot, V.J.; Vicent, M.J.; Escuder, B.
Two-Component Peptidic Molecular Gels for Topical Drug Delivery of Naproxen.