Small Perturbation Techniques for the Electronic Analysis of Perovskite Devices

Agustín Bou Catalá (2023)
Directors: Juan BisquertJuan Bisquert
Date of defense: 



Full thesis in TDX:


Metal-halide perovskites have emerged as a promising semiconductor material for a variety of potential applications, due to their intrinsic properties and their low-cost fabrication methods. Perovskite solar cells have reached efficiencies higher than 25% in just a decade. Their properties have enabled the development of new applications such as Light Emitting Diodes, Lasers, Ultra-Violet detectors or memristors. However, perovskites still have some issues to solve. Before they become a commercial technology, it is indispensable to have a deep understanding of the fundamental operation principles of the devices that we want to optimize. By using a combination of small perturbation techniques, we explore the electronic properties of perovskite solar cells and extract the electronic diffusion parameters of perovskites. We also present an analysis of memristors and neural systems in the frequency domain by Impedance Spectroscopy, finding the similarities and differences between perovskites and such systems.