Research Overview
The main aim of our group is to exploit advanced semiconductor materials as halide perovskite or quantum confined semiconductors (quantum dots, rods, plateletes…), which offer a tremendous potential for the development of a new generation of optoelectronic devices with enhanced properties. The team has a broad expertiese on the synthesis and development of the above mentioned advanced hybrid and nanostructured materials, especially used in optoelectronic devices, like photovoltaic devices, LEDs, or lasers and photocatalytic systems. Beyond material and device fabrication, our team also works on the characterization and modelling of these systems. Moreover, our team is at the forefront of the sustainable energy research by delivering a wide range of materials and methodologies that make our reserach more efficient and help to meet our sustainability-related goals.
Group's research interests
Study of new semiconductor materials or nanostructured configurations as thin films, 2D, 1D, 0D structures, Perovskites and Hybrid semiconductors, Organic semiconductors, Colloidal Quantum Dots, including Pb-free materials.
Study of crystal growth of single crystals, thin films and nanostructured semiconductors as well as of the physical processes responsible for its final performance by a systematic structural, electrical and optical characterisation of the bare materials a
Fabrication of optoelectronic devices: Photovoltaic Systems; Light emitting systems (LEDs, laser, optical amplifiers); Photodetectors; Sensors; Modulators; Semitransparent Devices.
Different types of small and large-area optoelectronic devices, including perovskite solar cells and modules, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) arrays, and various scalable deposition methods.
Modelling: Optoelectronic Devices, Quantum Chemistry Methods, Impedance Spectroscopy.
Nano Energy, 2025, 134, 110547.
Zhuang, Q.; Wang, K.; Li, H.; Liu, Z.; Li, Y.; Yang, Y.; Lin, Q.; Gong, C.; Zhang, C.; Guo, Z.; Qaid, S.M.H.; Mora-Seró, I.; Xu, Z.; Zang, Z.; Wang, H.
Article page:
Advanced Optical Materials, 2024, 13 (4), 2402270.
Paul, S.; Adhikari, S.Das; Pareja-Rivera, C.; Masi, S.; Julián-López, B.; Martínez-Pastor, J.P.; Escuder, B.; Mora-Seró, I.
Article page:
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2024, x (x), 2400884 (1-7).
Villanueva-Antolí, A.; Marín-Moncusí, L.; Puerto-Galvis, C.E.; Sánchez, R.S.; Simancas, J.; Barea, E.M.; Rodríguez-Pereira, J.; Pareja-Rivera, C.; Gualdrón-Reyes, A.F.; Palomares, E.; Martinez-Ferrero, E.; Mora-Seró, I.
Article page:
ChemSusChem, 2024, e202402073, 1-8.
Reyes-Francis, E.; Julián-López, B.; Echeverría-Arrondo, C.; Rodríguez-Pereira, J.; Esparza, D.; Lopez-Luke, T.; Espino-Valencia, J.; Prochowicz, D.; Mora-Seró, I.; Turren-Cruz, S.H.
Enhancing Stability of Microwave-Synthesized Cs2SnxTi1-xBr6 Perovskite by Cation Mixing.
Article page:
ACS Energy Letters, 2024, 9 (12), 6117−6125.
Basak, S.; Ghosh, S.; Pariari, D.; Jangid, T.; Behera, T.; Boix, P.P.; Mora-Seró, I.; Chowdhury, A.; Sarma, D.D.; Sarkar, S.K.
Self-Healing Significantly Improves Performances of NiO Sputtered n-i-p Perovskite Solar Cells.
Article page:
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2024, 16 (46), 64123−64135.
Eledath-Changarath, M.; Gualdrón-Reyes, A.F.; Rodríguez-Romero, J.; Mora-Seró, I.; Suárez, I.; Canet-Albiach, R.; Asensio, M.C.; Martínez-Pastor, J.P.; Boichuk, A.; Boichuk, T.; Sánchez-Royo, J.F.; Krečmarová, M.
Article page:
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, 12, 21933–21943.
Galve-Lahoz, S.; Sánchez-Diaz, J.; Echeverría-Arrondo, C.; Simancas, J.; Rodríguez-Pereira, J.; Cruz, S.H.Turren; Martínez-Pastor, J.P.; Mora-Seró, I.; Delgado, J.Luis
Article page:
Energy & Environmental Materials, 2024, 8 (1), e12810.
da Silva, T.Caroline A.; Sánchez, R.S.; Alberola-Borràs, J.A.; Vidal, R.; Mora-Seró, I.; Julián-López, B.
Article page:
Advanced Optical Materials, 2024, 13 (31), 2401475.
Uribe-Vegas, P.; Villanueva-Antolí, A.; Segura, C.; Werlinger, F.; Aliaga, K.R.; Caprile, R.; Trofymchuk, O.S.; Flores, M.E.; Osorio-Román, I.O.; Echeverría-Arrondo, C.; Adhikari, S.Das; Selmi, O.; Mora-Seró, I.; Rodríguez-Pereira, J.; Pradhan, B.; Paulus, M.; Sternemann, C.; Hofkens, J.; Martinez, J.; Masi, S.; Gualdrón-Reyes*, A.F.
Article page:
Advanced Science, 2024, 11 (34), 2403835.
Sánchez-Diaz, J.; Rodríguez-Pereira, J.; Adhikari, S.Das; Mora-Seró, I.
Synthesis of Hybrid Tin-Based Perovskite Microcrystals for LED Applications.
Article page:
ACS Photonics, 2024, 11 (7), 2770−2775.
Lagüe, G.; Bernardot, F.; Guilloux, V.; Legrand, L.; Barisien, T.; Sánchez-Diaz, J.; Galve-Lahoz, S.; Saïdi, I.; Boujdaria, K.; Martínez-Pastor, J.P.; Testelin, C.; Mora-Seró, I.; Chamarro, M.
Spin Coherence and Relaxation Dynamics of Localized Electrons and Holes in FAPbI3 Films.
Article page:
Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 10262–10272.
Luangwanta, T.; Turren-Cruz, S.H.; Masi, S.; Adhikari, S.Das; Recalde, I.B.; Zanatta, M.; Iglesias, D.; Rodríguez-Pereira, J.; Gené-Marimon, S.; Martinez-Ferrero, E.; Kaowphong, S.; Palomares, E.; Sans, V.; Gualdrón-Reyes, A.F.; Mora-Seró, I.
Article page:
Advanced Science, 2024, 8 (9), 2400060.
Vescio, G.; Dirin, D.N.; González-Torres, S.; Sánchez-Diaz, J.; Vidal, R.; Franco, I.P.; Adhikari, S.Das; Chirvony, V.S.; Martínez-Pastor, J.P.; Pacheco, F.A.Vinocou; Przypis, L.; Öz, S.; Hernández, S.; Cirera, A.; Mora-Seró, I.; Kovalenko, M.V.; Garrido, B.
Article page:
Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 34 (26), 2313928-2313928.
Jerónimo-Rendón, J.J.; Turren-Cruz, S.H.; Turren-Cruz, S.H.; Di Girolamo, D.; Flatken, M.A.; Köbler, H.; Hempel, W.; Li, M.; Di Carlo, A.; Boix, P.P.; Mora-Seró, I.; Abate, A.; Saliba, M.
Robust Multi-Halide Methylammonium-Free Perovskite Solar Cells on an Inverted Architecture.
Article page:
ACS Energy Letters, 2024, 9 (4), 1923−1931.
Lorusso, A.; Masi, S.; Triolo, C.; Mariano, F.; Muia, S.; Cannavale, A.; Duan, Y.; Anni, M.; De Giorgi, M.Luisa; Patané, S.; Selmi, O.; Mora-Seró, I.; De Leo, S.; Mazzeo, M.
Article page:
Advanced Materials, 2024, 36 (24), 2313252 (1-10).
Adl, H.Pashaei; Sánchez-Diaz, J.; Vescio, G.; Cirera, A.; Garrido, B.; Pacheco, F.Andres Vin; uraw, W.Z.˙; Przypis, Ł.; Öz, S.; Mora-Seró, I.; Martínez-Pastor, J.P.; Suárez, I.
Tailoring Single-Mode Random Lasing of Tin Halide Perovskites Integrated in a Vertical Cavity.
Article page:
Applied Physics Reviews, 2024, 11, 021401 .
Gorji, S.; Kreĉmarová, M.; Molina, A.; Asensio, M.C.; Gualdrón-Reyes, A.F.; Rodríguez-Romero, J.; Pashaei-Adl, H.; Canet-Albiach, R.; Schio, L.; Tormen, M.; Floreano, L.; Mora-Seró, I.; Pastor, J.P.Martine; Sánchez-Royo, J.Francisco; Matutano, G.Muñoz
Origin of discrete donor–acceptor pair transitions in 2D Ruddlesden–Popper perovskites.
Article page:
Chemistry of Materials, 2024, 36 (3), 1728–1736.
Reyes-Francis, E.; Echeverría-Arrondo, C.; Esparza, D.; Lopez-Luke, T.; Soto-Montero, T.; Morales-Masis, M.; Turren-Cruz, S.H.; Mora-Seró, I.; Julián-López, B.
Article page:
Solar RRL, 2024, 8 (5), 2300892 (1-15).
Salim, K.Mangott Mu; Muscarella, L.A.; Schuringa, I.; Gamboa, R.Alejandro; Torres, J.; Echeverría-Arrondo, C.; Gualdrón-Reyes, A.F.; Rodríguez-Pereira, J.; Rincon, M.E.; Ehrler, B.; Mora-Seró, I.; Masi, S.
Article page:
ACS Energy Letters, 2024, 9 (2), 432–441.
Turren-Cruz, S.H.; Pascual, J.; Hu, S.; Sánchez-Diaz, J.; Galve-Lahoz, S.; Liu, W.; Hempel, W.; Chirvony, V.S.; Martínez-Pastor, J.P.; Boix, P.P.; Wakamiya, A.; Mora-Seró, I.
Multicomponent Approach for Stable Methylammonium-Free Tin−Lead Perovskite Solar Cells.
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