• Tuesday, October 13, 2020 - 16:00
    You are invited to participate in the Online meeting on perovskites for light emission. It will take place October 13th at 14:00 UTC - 16:00h CEST Berlin-Paris. Contents Halide perovskite revolutionized the photovoltaic field one decade ago with high performances in solution processes devices based on the low non-radiative recombination. This property is also a key aspect for the development of other optoelectronic devices as LEDs and lasers, with emission easily tuned varying the halide perovskite composition. In this online meeting we will analyze the optical characterization and optical properties of halide perovskite solar cells and their application in light emitting devices. We will discuss problems of measurements, mechanistic behaviours, non-linear properties and device preparation and performance.
  • Tuesday, July 21, 2020 - 16:00
    You are invited to participate in the Online Meetup on Measurement of Perovskite Solar Cell by Impedance Spectroscopy and Transient Methods. It will take place July 21st at 16:00h CEST (Madrid/Paris) Contents The advances of perovskite solar cell require the understanding of materials and devices by characterization techniques. In this online meeting we will analyze properties of perovskite solar cells using time and frequency domain methods, such as Impedance Spectroscopy, Intensity Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy (IMPS) and time transient methods as TAS and photovoltage decays. We will discuss problems of measurements, mechanistic behaviors, and models used to describe the physical responses.
  • Friday, June 5, 2020 - 14:30
    A steadily rising world population entails new concepts to provide humankind with energy in an environmentally friendly, sustainable and cost-efficient way. Using earth abundant energy sources, such as wind, water and solar, will get more and more important to sustain our society. With an irradiance of 1361 W/m2, solar energy is one of the most powerful sources which can be transformed into useful energy. At present, silicon modules are dominating the photovoltaic market due to their low cost, stability, and efficiency (20-22% for a typical panel on the market). However, after decades of research and investment, new concepts are required to achieve a reduction in solar electricity prices to promote photovoltaics (PV) as a widely adopted way of power generation. A new class of material called perovskites emerged from the research community over the last ten years with promising results, which are rivalling silicon-based cells on both small and large surface areas. As the future lays in the hands of innovations, young researchers are taking the chance to introduce the wider public to this new class of materials, which could guide the path of the solar industry in a more sustainable direction. Are you ready to learn more about this powerful material? Then join us in our webinar where early stage researchers are introducing you to the chances of tomorrow.
  • Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 13:00
    Additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing are a set of technologies that are revolutionising manufacturing in many ways, from enabling the manufacture of complex geometries to supply chain. Generating geometries in an additive manner, typically layer by layer, has found widespread applications, from aviation industry to bioprinting. The development of novel materials with superior properties encompasses and underpins the rapid development of the field. In this on-line conference, we will discuss the development novel materials designed and formulated for 3D printing, which allow a direct translation of novel or emerging properties at the molecular or nano-sized level to macroscopic devices with the functionality dictated by the designer. An emphasis on unique or emerging features arising from the combination of materials and techniques will facilitate the discussion on the next generation materials for 3D printing. Registration and more information on-line Meetup Advanced material for next generation 3D printing https://www.nanoge.org/AddiNextGen/home
  • Friday, March 13, 2020 - 11:00
    You are invited to participate in the online conference on properties of the Perovskite Solar Cell. It will take place on Friday March 13 2020. The format of the conferenceis a few short talks followed by discussion, and poster presentation. Posters will be presented in a common (online) room, by showing a title, list of authors and TOC, and each poster will have a separate space for discussion. We expect a strong interaction between participants showing they latest and hottest results on: Perovskite Photovoltaics, Optoelectronics, and Characterization techniques
  • Monday, March 2, 2020 - 10:00
    El próximo lunes 2 de marzo, la Junta Directiva de la Asociación Valenciana de Empresarios de Plásticos visitará la Universitat Jaume I. La visita permitirá a los miembros de la AVEP conocer las líneas de trabajo e instalaciones de la UJI que pueden ser de interés para establecer un convenio de colaboración entre ambas entidades, así como explorar la realización de proyectos conjuntos de investigación entre los miembros de la AVEP y los grupos de investigación de la UJI. El programa del encuentro constará de una breve presentación por parte de investigadores de la UCIE-INAM, de la Escuela Superior de Tecnología y Ciencias Experimentales (ESTCE) y del personal responsable del Servei Central d'Instrumentació Científica (SCIC). A continuación, los miembros de la junta directiva visitarán los laboratorios de investigación y las técnicas del servicio SCIC de mayor interés para el sector del plástico. Finalmente, la Junta Directiva de la AVEP celebrará su reunión anual.
  • Wednesday, September 2, 2020 - 14:00
    INAM organizes the 7th ISGS Online Summer School entitled "Hybrid Materials: cutting edge applications" on 2nd and 3rd September 2020 at 14:00h (Madrid time). The School will provide a multidisciplinary approach on Hybrid Materials, which are at the core of technologies with an impact in our society. This Online School will comprise two Oral Sessions from Invited Speakers with intercalated Discussion Pannels. Some of the most outstanding researchers working on Hybrid Materials will join us: P. Innocenzi, L. Liz-Marzan, L.C. Klein, D. Levy, S. Parola, A. Roig, R.A.S. Ferreira, Y. Castro and R. Subrahmanyam. Seniors and juniors researchers (authors and attendees) will be able to present their work, share their ideas and get feedback from their colleagues worldwide in the ePoster Sessions and Chatroom. We expect enthusiastic participation from junior researchers. More info at: www.nanoge.org/ISGS_School20/home
  • Saturday, February 8, 2020 - 10:00
    II Feria Científica de Cieza, en el marco de las II Jornadas de divulgación científica
  • Wednesday, February 26, 2020 - 09:00
    Las células solares de perovskita híbrida constituyen un campo de investigación muy prometedor para desarrollar una nueva tecnología fotovoltaica dirigida a uno de los principales retos sociales actuales, el de obtener energía barata, segura y libre de carbono. El auge de las perovskitas híbridas fotovoltaicas ha dado lugar a un campo de investigación muy variado y multidisciplinar donde surgen estudios innovadores fundamentales y de aplicaciones novedosas en otros ámbitos, como las nanoestructuras y los semiconductores para iluminación. Pero, a pesar de las grandes expectativas despertadas por estos materiales, aún siguen cuestiones abiertas que requieren de la puesta en común de la experiencia de distintos grupos de investigación. Esta es la cuarta edición Red PEROVSKITAS, que reúne 10 centros punteros de investigación fundamental, aplicada y tecnológica, para establecer una fuerte comunidad investigadora sobre semiconductores de perovskitas híbridas, enfocado a los retos sociales de maneras alternativas de producción de energía, pero con muchas ramificaciones que se extienden por los campos de la física, la química, y la ciencia de los materiales, con aspectos de ciencia básica y orientado a las producciones tecnológicas. Reunión científica desarrollada dentro de la Red PEROVSKITAS
  • Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - 09:00
    Evaluation of INAM by the International Advisory Board